Funding and fellowship opportunities etc.
Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT) provides information about research grants from NIH.
cDNA clones and cell lines
Missouri S&T cDNA Resource Center
This non-profit service provides full-length cDNA clones encoding human signal transduction proteins to the research community. Also, stable cell lines are available.Addgene
Non-profit plasmid repository distributes cDNA clones.Open Biosystems
Open Biosystems provide lentiviral RNAi and gene expression products.OriGene
Origene provide over 37000 human full-length ORF cDNA clones for gene function study .GenScript
GenEZ™ ORF cDNA clones makes it easy to order customized expression-ready ORF clones from the world's largest commercial ORF clone database.Promega - Find My Gene
Find My Gene is an online gene exploration tool that integrates a number of functionalities to help researchers better understand their gene's function. You may find relevant products specific to a gene of interest, including expression-validated ORF clones.
mLINE Mechanical Pipette
mLINE is Biohit's most advanced mechanical pipette. It is light weight, comfortable to use.Precision Biosystems provides affordable instruments for automated western blot, BlotCycler™.
POLARstar Omega Multu-Mode Microplate Reader
BMG LABTECH's Dual Emission Detection System utilizes two matched PMTs allowing the detection of two emitted wavelengths at the same time. This Simultaneous Dual Emission Detection system is perfect for FRET, TR-FRET, BRET and Fluorescence Polarization assays and gives increased throughput, ms-order time resolution, improved sensitivity and lower %CVs.ODYSSEY Infrared Imaging System
The Odyssey Infrared Imaging System is reported to have a 16–250-fold wider quantifiable linear range with increased reproducibility than a chemiluminescence Western blot detection system.
Softwares and apps
PyMOL is a molecular visualization software. It can produce high-quality 3D images of small molecules and biological macromolecules, such as proteins. [Alignment] [User’s Guide (Japanese)]DNADynamo
DNA Dynamo sequence analysis software is easy to use. Suitable for molecular biologists at any level, use DNADynamo to plan your DNA cloning, draw high quality plasmid maps, analyse your DNA sequencing data, blast search at NCBI, retrieve genbank files from entrez, assemble multiple sequence alignments, and much more.SnapGene
This is software for plasmid mapping, primer design, and allows you to annotate and share DNA sequences.MEGA
Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) is a user-friendly software for sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees. MEGA is provided free for use in research and education.
Web tools
SWISS-MODEL is a fully automated protein structure homology-modelling server. [Manual]LIGPLOT
This program automatically plots protein-ligand interactions.QuickCalcs
Molarity Calculator from GraphPad
Reagent suppliers
Tocris Bioscience
Tocris Bioscience is a supplier of chemicals, peptides and antibodies as biological tools. These are useful as GPCR agonists and antagonists, nuclear receptor ligands, ion channel modulators and
signal transduction inhibitors for pre-clinical research.Abcam Biochemicals
Abcam Biochemicals offer a range of receptor agonists and antagonists, ion channel modulators, enzyme inhibitors, signaling tools and more. The price of reagents from Abcam is reasonable.Toronto Research Chemicals
TRC's product lines include unique highly specialized chemicals for drug development, medical, biopharmaceutical and biochemical research.Alomone Labs
Alomone Labs is a leading supplier of primary antibodies, small molecules, proteins and peptides used in Ion Channel and GPCR research.
Databases and tools
The gnomAD contains genetic variation from 141,456 health humans.ClinVar
ClinVar is a a public archive of reports of the relationships among human variations and phenotypes.GPCRdb
GPCRdb contains data, diagrams and web tools for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).Grantome
Entirety of funding information in USA.BLAST
The program compares nucleotide or protein sequence to sequence databases.IUPHAR-DB
The IUPHAR database is an online resource providing pharmacological information on a range of drug targets.Aldrich Market Select
Your 'one-stop-shop' to search and purchase synthetic chemical compounds.Protein Data Bank (PDB)
PDB is a three-dimensional structural data bank.SignalP
SignalP predicts the presence and location of signal peptide cleavage sites in amino acid sequences from different organisms.PhospohoSitePlus
PhosphoSitePlus is a database of observed post-translational modifications.GENSCAN
GENSCAN is a program to identify gene structures in genomic DNA.Ensembl genome braower
The Ensembl genome browser provides access to vertebrate genomes.UniProt
UniProt provide the scientific community with a comprehensive, high-quality and freely accessible resource of protein sequence and functional information.FPbase
FPbase is a web-based database for fluorescent proteins.Labome - Organelle Markers